Metaphysics without Truth (1. Edition)
1. Metaphysics without Truth - On the Importance of Consistency within Nietzsche’s Philosophy. In the series Münchner Philosophische Beiträge, edited by N. Knoepffler, W. Vossenkuhl, Peetz and B. Lauth, Utz Verlag, München 1999
- PHILOSOPHY NOW (Oktober/November 2000; 43), H. James Birx.
- Acta Germanica, vol. 28 (2000), 170-172, Anette Horn.
- Germanic Notes and Reviews, Vol. 31, Number 1, Spring 2000, 105.
- Philosophical Writings, No. 18, Autumn 2001, 57-58, Hans Otto Seitschek.
- Tijdschrift voor Filosofie 71 (2009), n. 1, 178.
Metaphysics without Truth (2. Edition)
2. Metaphysics without Truth - On the Importance of Consistency within Nietzsche’s Philosophy. 2., revised edition, University of Marquette Press, Milwaukee WI. 2007.
- The Heythrop Journal, Vol. 50, No. 2., 349-351, M. Ray.
- The Agonist, VOLUME II, ISSUE 1, MARCH 2009, 72-77, Yunus Tuncel.
- The Incarnate Word, vol. 2, Nr. 5, 194-197, Daniel Patrick Moloney.
Menschenwürde nach Nietzsche
3. Menschenwürde nach Nietzsche: Die Geschichte eines Begriffs. WBG, Darmstadt 2010.
- NZZ, 3.3.2011, 18, Ulrich Kronauer.
- Estudio Agustiniano, Bd. 46, Heft 1/2011, 177f., J. Antolin.
- Nietzsche-Studien, Bd. 40, 2011, 445-452, K. Ott.
- The Agonist, Autumn 2011, Yunus Tuncel.
- TIERethik, 3. Jg. 3 (2011), Petra Mayr.
- Philosophisches Jahrbuch 1/2012, 168-170, Harald Seubert.
- Aufklärung und Kritik. Heft 40 Oktober 2011 18. Jahrgang Nr. 4, S. 274-278, U. Ackermann-Hajek.
- Zeitschrift für philosophische Forschung, Volume 66, Number 3, September 2012, 472-475, Nicola Nicodemo.
- Journal of Nietzsche Studies, Greg Whitlock (forthcoming).
4. Transhumanismus: "Die gefährlichste Idee der Welt"!?. Herder, Freiburg i. Br. 2016.
Philosophie Magazin 01/2017, 88, Manuela Lenzen.
Exit. Keise und Kritik der Warengesaellschaft. 13/2016, Thomas Meyer.
Journal of Evolution and Technology, vol. 26, issue 2, 82-85, Thomas Damberger.
Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 70 (2017), Heft 1, 30-35, Marcus Knaup.
Human Studies, online first, 30.6.2017, Franc Mali.
Philosophie Magazin 01/2017, 88, Manuela Lenzen.
Exit. Keise und Kritik der Warengesaellschaft. 13/2016, Thomas Meyer.
Journal of Evolution and Technology, vol. 26, issue 2, 82-85, Thomas Damberger.
Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 70 (2017), Heft 1, 30-35, Marcus Knaup.
Human Studies, online first, 30.6.2017, Franc Mali.
Schöner Neuer Mensch
5. Schöner Neuer Mensch. Nicolai Verlag, Berlin (October 2018, on invitation, to be published in the very first box after the relaunch of the publishing house which is dedicated to the topic: Issues which we need to talk about today).
Journal of Posthuman Studies Vol. 3, No. 2 (2019), pp. 219-227. Markus Lipowicz
Journal of Posthuman Studies Vol. 3, No. 2 (2019), pp. 219-227. Markus Lipowicz
6. Übermensch: Plädoyer für einen Nietzscheanischen Transhumanismus. Schwabe Verlag, Berlin (March 2019).
The Agonist, Volume XII, Issue II, Spring 2019, Yunus Tuncel, 218-225.
Journal of Posthuman Studies Vol. 3, No. 2 (2019), pp. 219-227. Markus Lipowicz
The Agonist, Volume XII, Issue II, Spring 2019, Yunus Tuncel, 218-225.
Journal of Posthuman Studies Vol. 3, No. 2 (2019), pp. 219-227. Markus Lipowicz
On Transhumanism
7. On Transhumanism. Penn State University Press, Pennsylvania, 2020. (translated by Spencer Hawkins)
- Alex Talovic in the inaugural issue of the "Journal of Posthumanism"
- Leo Igwe In: Immortalists Magazine, issue 10, 2021, 46-56.
- Natasha Beranek. Journal of Posthuman Studies, vol. 5, issue 2, 2021.
- ETHIKA+, Año 3.,No. 5, 2022, 286-289.
We have always been Cyborgs
8. We have always been cyborgs. Digital data, gene technologies, and an ethics of transhumanism. Bristol University Press, 2022.
- 3.10.2021, Il sole 24 ore, (Roberto Manzocco)
Vol. 31 No. 1 (2021). In: Journal of Ethics and Emerging Technologies. (Alex Talovic)
Annals of the University of Bucharest, Philosophy Series (Natasha Beranek)
Philosophy Now. Issue 155: April/May 2023 (Natasha Beranek)
Pittman, Jason M. 2022. “Review of Stefan Lorenz Sorgner’s We Have Always Been Cyborgs.” Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective 11 (9): 38-45 (Jason Pittman)
Elyamany, N. (2022). Book Review: Stefan Lorenz Sorgner, We Have Always Been Cyborgs: Digital Data, Gene Technologies, and an Ethics of Transhumanism. Sociology, 0(0).
Journal of Posthumanism, 2/2023, vol 3, number 1, 75-79 (I.-M. Stamati)
Schussler, A.E. We Have Always Been Cyborgs. Digital Data, Gene Technologies, and an Ethics of Transhumanism. Nanoethics 16, 7–11 (2022). (Aura Schussler)
Prometheus, Vol. 38, No. 3 (September 2022), pp. 342-347 (6 pages) (Marietjie Botes)
Philosophy of Posthuman Art
9. Philosophy of Posthuman Art. Schwabe, 2022.
Journal of Posthuman Studies Vol. 6 No. 2 2022, pp. 220ff. (Philipp Wolff)
Journal of Posthuman Studies Vol. 6 No. 2 2022, pp. 220ff. (Philipp Wolff)
Homo Ex Machina
11. Homo Ex Machina. Der Mensch von Morgen. Ein differenzierter Blick auf den Transhumanismus (mit Bernd Kleine-Gunk). Goldmann, München 2023.
11. Homo Ex Machina. Der Mensch von Morgen. Ein differenzierter Blick auf den Transhumanismus (mit Bernd Kleine-Gunk). Goldmann, München 2023.
Essay Collections
Musik in der deutschen Philosophie
1. Sorgner, Stefan Lorenz/Fürbeth, Oliver (Ed.): Musik in der deutschen Philosophie: Eine Einführung. J. B. Metzler Verlag, Stuttgart 2003
- Onlinemagazin für Musikästhetik und kognitive Musikpsychologie CODEX FLORES (09.07.2004).
- nmz 2004/12, 53. Jahrgang, Dez./Jan., 46, Michael Kohlhäufl.
- testcard # 14, 256, Roger Behrens.
- Science et Esprit, 57/1 (2005), 94-95, Gabor Csepregi.
- The Journal of Nietzsche Studies - Issue 31, Spring 2007, 91-92, Raymond Furnes.
Humanbiotechnologie als gesellschaftliche Herausforderung
2. Knoepffler, Nikolaus/Schipanski, Dagmar/Sorgner, Stefan Lorenz (Ed.): Humanbiotechnologie als gesellschaftliche Herausforderung. Alber Verlag, Feiburg i. B. 2005
- ETHICA – Wissenschaft und Verantwortung. 14. Jahrgang, 1 -2006, 98-99, Karsten Weber.
- Wissenschaftler und Verantwortung. 15. Jahrgang, Nr. 1 (Februar 2006), 39-44, Marion Näser.
- LebensForum – Zeitschrift der Aktion Lebensrecht für Alle. Nr. 77., 1. Quartal 2006, 31, Stefan Rehder.
- Zeitschrift für medizinische Ethik. 2006; 52 (4) Enhancement, 421-422, Alois Johannes Buch.
Eugenik und die Zukunft
3. Sorgner, Stefan Lorenz/Birx, H. James/Knoepffler, Nikolaus (Ed.): Eugenik und die Zukunft. Alber Verlag, Freiburg i. B. 2006
- GID 189, August 2008, 24. Jahrgang, P. 62.
Human-Biotechnology as Social Challenge
4. Knoepffler, Nikolaus/Schipanski, Dagmar/Sorgner, Stefan Lorenz (Ed.): Human-Biotechnology as Social Challenge. Ashgate, Aldershot et al 2007
- Journal of Human Reproduction and Genetic Ethics, Vol. 14:1 (2008).
Wagner und Nietzsche
5. Sorgner, Stefan Lorenz/Birx, H. James/Knoepffler, Nikolaus (Ed.): Wagner und Nietzsche: Kultur-Werk-Wirkung: Ein Handbuch. Rowohlt 2008
- Der Bund, 29.1.2008, 31, li.
- Westfälische Rundschau 22.3.2008, Sonja Müller-Eisold.
- Das Klassik und Jazz Magazin Rondo 2/08.
- nmz 2008/05, Page 4, 57. Jahrgang, Mai, Peter P. Pachl.
- Das Opernglas 2008/7-8, G. Schunk.
- Opernwelt September/October 2008, Christoph Vratz.
-, Octavia Depta.
- wagnerspectrum, Heft 1/2009, S. 191-202, Richard Klein.
- Fono Forum 09/2009, Christoph Vratz.
- Dresdner Neue Nachrichten, 26.9.2009, C.M.
- Nietzsche Studien 2009, 420-435, Angela Holzer.
- Die Musikforschung 63, 1/2010, 82-84, Richard Klein.
Musik in der antiken Philosophie
6. Sorgner, Stefan Lorenz/Schramm, Michael (Ed.): Musik in der antiken Philosophie: Eine Einführung. Königshausen und Neumann, Darmstadt.
-, 20.8.2010, Marion Beyer.
- GNOSTIKA, Jg. 14, Heft 46, Dez. 2010, 97-98, Schmitt.
- Grundprobleme gegenwärtiger Musikphilosophie. In: Philosophische Rundschau. Bd. 58 (2011), 87-114, Gunnar Hindrichs.
- Tijdschrift voor Filosofie 73/2011, 545-546, Roland van Bellingen.
- Anzeiger für die Altertumswissenschaft, LXIV, Band, Juli/Oktober 2011, ¾ Heft, 171-181, Stefan Hagel.
Music in German Philosophy
7. Sorgner, Stefan Lorenz/Fürbeth, Oliver (Eds.): Music in German Philosophy: An Introduction. University of Chicago Press. Translated into the American by Susan H. Gillespie. University of Chicago Press, Chicago/London 2010.
- Choice Reviews Online.
- The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, Volume 70, Issue 2, pages 245–247, Spring 2012.
Geschichte der Bioethik
8. Eissa, Tina-Louise/ Sorgner, Stefan Lorenz (Eds.) (2011): Geschichte der Bioethik. Mentis Verlag, Paderborn.
- Medizinrecht, Volume 30, Number 7 (2012), 484-485, DOI: 10.1007/s00350-012-3210-6.
- Aufklärung und Kritik. Heft 44 Oktober 2012 19. Jahrgang Nr. 4, 286-289, U. Ackermann-Hajek.
Evolution and the Future
9. Sorgner, Stefan Lorenz/Jovanovic, Branka-Rista (Eds.) (2013): Evolution and the Future: Anthropology, Ethics, Religion and Science. Peter Lang, New York et al.
Post- and Transhumanism
10. Ranisch, Robert/Sorgner, Stefan Lorenz (Eds.) (2014): Post- and Transhumanism: An Introduction. Peter Lang, New York et al.
- Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective, 23. Dec. 2014, James Michael MacFarlane.
- Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective, 9. Jan. 2015, Adam Riggio.
- Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective, 2014, Vol. 4, No. 1, 52-56, James Michael MacFarlane.
- Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective, 2015, Vol. 4, no. 2, 5-9, Adam Riggio.
- Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective, 2015, Vol. 4 no. 3, 9-14, William Davis.
- Nanoethics. 2015, Online First, Patrícia Castello Branco
- Journal of Evolution and Technology. 2014, Vol. 25, No. 1, 49-52), Kevin LaGrandeur.
- College Literature. 2015, Vol. 42, No. 3, 532-535, Michael LaTorra.
- Science Fiction Studies. Vol. 42, No. 2, 391-395, Hallvard Haug.
- Human Studies. Online First, July 2015, Pieter Lemmens.
- Gregorianum. VOL 96 (2015) FASC. III: RECENSIONES, 666-667, Joseph Joblin.
From Humanism to Meta-, Post- and Transhumanism?
11. Deretić, Irina / Sorgner, Stefan Lorenz (Eds.) (2016): From Humanism to Meta-, Post- and Transhumanism? Peter Lang, New York et al.
Ethics of Emerging Technologies
12. Sinaci, M./ Sorgner, S. L. (2018): Ethics of Emerging Technologies: From Educating the Young to Engineering Posthumans. Trivent Publishing, Budapest
Humanisms and Beyond
1. Editor of the special issue entitled „Transhumanismus“ of the journal „Aufklärung und Kritik: Zeitschrift für freies Denken und humanistische Philosophie" on invitation by the Gesellschaft für kritische Philosophie (GKP) Nürnberg. (2015)
2. Editor in Chief/Founding Editor (since 11/2015): Journal of Posthuman Studies: Philosophy, Media, Technology. Penn State University Press.
Articles in essay collections
- Heraclitus and Curved Space. In: Universidad Tecnica Particular de Loja (Ed.): Proceedings of the Metaphysics for the Third Millennium Conference (Rom, 5.9. – 8.9.2000). Universidad Tecnica Particular de Loja, Loja – Ecuador 2001, 165-170.
- Narzißmus und Nietzsches Wille zur Macht. In: Hrsg. Reschke, Renate (Ed.): Zeitenwende-Wertewende. Akademie Verlag, Berlin 2001, 249-254.
- Nietzsches Musikphilosophie. In: Sorgner, Stefan Lorenz/Fürbeth, Oliver (Ed.): Musik in der deutschen Philosophie: Eine Einführung. J. B. Metzler Verlag, Stuttgart 2003, 115-134.
- Einleitung. In: Sorgner, Stefan Lorenz/Fürbeth, Oliver (Ed.): Musik in der deutschen Philosophie: Eine Einführung. J. B. Metzler Verlag, Stuttgart 2003, 1 – 20. (together with Oliver Fürbeth)
- Community, Multiculturalism, and the Good. In Savic, Mile (Ed.): Tradition and Integration. Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, Belgrad 2003, 257-269. (invited)
- Community, Society, and Friendship. In. Boudouris, K. (Ed.): Polis and Cosmopolis: Problems of a Global Era, Vol. II. Ionia Publications, Athens 2003, 153-164.
- Projekt „Wartburgtagung: Humanbiotechnologie als gesellschaftliche Herausforderung“. In: Schipanski, Dagmar/Knoepffler, Nikolaus/Sorgner, Stefan Lorenz (Ed.): Wartburgtagung: Humanbiotechnologie als gesellschaftliche Herausforderung. Alber Verlag, Feiburg i. B. 2005, 11-23.
- Grundlagen der Medienethik. In: Knoepffler, N./ Pies, I./ Kunzmann, P./ Siegetsleitner, A. (Ed.): Einführung in die Angewandte Ethik. Alber Verlag, Feiburg i. B. 2006, 135-154. (invited)
- Einleitung. In: Sorgner, Stefan Lorenz/Birx, H. James/Knoepffler, Nikolaus (Hrsg.): Eugenik und die Zukunft. Alber Verlag, Feiburg i. B. 2006, 1-11.
- Facetten der Eugenik. In: Sorgner, Stefan Lorenz/Birx, H. James/Knoepffler, Nikolaus (Ed.): Eugenik und die Zukunft. Alber Verlag, Feiburg i. B. 2006, 201-209.
- Musik und Ethik in Nietzsches „Geburt der Tragödie“. In: Gerhardt, Volker/ Reschke, R. (Ed.): Friedrich Nietzsche: Zwischen Musik, Philosophie und Ressentiment. Akademie Verlag, Berlin 2006, 59-76. (invited)
- Einleitung. In: Sorgner, Stefan Lorenz/Birx, H. James/Knoepffler, Nikolaus (Ed.): Wagner und Nietzsche: Ein Handbuch. Rowohlt 2008, 23-48. (Together with Robert Ranisch)
- Ethik. In: Sorgner, Stefan Lorenz/Birx, H. James/Knoepffler, Nikolaus (Hrsg.): Wagner und Nietzsche: Ein Handbuch. Rowohlt 2008, 194-214.
- Nietzsche, der Übermensch und Transhumanismu In: Knoepffler, Nikolaus/Savulescu, Julian (Ed.): Der neue Mensch: Enhancement und Genetik. Alber Verlag, Feiburg i. B. 2009, P. 127-144.
- Einige Überlegungen zur antiken und modernen Musikphilosophie. In: Sorgner, Stefan Lorenz/Schramm, Michael (Ed.): Musik in der antiken Philosophie: Eine Einführung. Königshausen und Neumann, Darmstadt, 15-32.
- Plotins Musikphilosophie. In: Sorgner, Stefan Lorenz/Schramm, Michael (Ed.): Musik in der antiken Philosophie: Eine Einführung. Königshausen und Neumann, Darmstadt 275-294
- Nietzsches Philosophie der Zeit. In: Vogel, Beatrix/Gerdes, Nikolaus (Eds.): Vorträge 2006-2009 des Nietzsche-Forums München. Roderer Verlag, Regensburg 2010, 327-340.
- Introduction. In: Sorgner, Stefan Lorenz/Fürbeth, Oliver (Hg.): Music in German Philosophy: An Introduction. University of Chicago Press, Chicago/London 2010, 1-26. (together with Oliver Fürbeth)
- Nietzsche. In: Sorgner, Stefan Lorenz/Fürbeth, Oliver (Eds.): Music in German Philosophy: An Introduction. University of Chicago Press, Chicago/London 2010, 141-164.
- Vorwort. In: Eissa, Tina-Louise: Frage und Erkenne: Philosophische Dialoge über Wahrheit, Erkenntnis, Wissen, Weisheit, Objektivität und Glückse(e)ligkeit. Lit Verlag, Berlin 2011, 5-6.
- Musik und Ethik in Schopenhauers Philosophie. In: Kossler, Matthias (Ed.): Musik als Wille und Welt: Schopenhauers Philosophie der Musik. K&N, Würzburg 2011, S. 61-84. (on invitation)
- Reflexionen zum Musikdrama. Richard Wagner, Thomas Mann und der Posthumanismus. In: Pils, Holger/Ulrich, Christina (Eds): Liebe ohne Glauben: Thomas Mann und Richard Wagner. Wallstein Verlag, Göttingen 2011, 152-172. (on invitation)
- Nietzsche. In: Eissa, Tina-Louise/Sorgner, Stefan Lorenz (Eds.): Geschichte der Bioethik. Mentis Verlag, Paderborn 2011, 213-230.
- Einleitung. In: Eissa, Tina-Louise/Sorgner, Stefan Lorenz (Eds.): Geschichte der Bioethik. Mentis Verlag, Paderborn 2011, 17-28. (together with Tina-Louise Eissa).
- Nietzsche als Ahnherr des Posthumanismus in den Künsten: Reflexionen zum Verhältnis von Bild, Wort und Ton. In: Reschke, Renate (Eds.): Bilder-Sprache-Künste: Nietzsches Denkfiguren im Zusammenhang. Akademie Verlag, Berlin 2011: S. 45-58. (on invitation).
- Enhancement von Emotionen und Moral. Eine Landkarte der Verbesserungsdebatte. In: Frewer, A./Bruns, F./Rascher, W. (Eds.) (2012): Medizin, Moral und Gefühl. Emotionen im ethischen Diskurs. Jahrbuch Ethik in der Klinik (JEK), Band 5. K&N, Würzburg.
- Introduction. Evolution Today. In: Sorgner, Stefan Lorenz/Jovanovic, Branka-Rista (Eds.): Evolution and the Future: Anthropology, Ethics, Religion. Peter Lang, Frankfurt a. M. et al. 2013, 9-20. (together withNikola Grimm)
- Evolution, Education, and Genetic Enhancement. In: Sorgner, Stefan Lorenz/Jovanovic, Branka-Rista (Eds.): Evolution and the Future: Anthropology, Ethics, Religion. Peter Lang, Frankfurt a. M. et al. 2013, 85-100.
- Wagners (un)zeitgemäße Betrachtungen – Reaktionäre oder progressive Überlegungen zum Musikdrama? In: Loos, H. (ed.): Richard Wagner. Persönlichkeit, Werk und Wirkung. Sax Verlag, Markkleeberg, 2013, 193-200. (on invitation)
- Wagners Ideal des Guten als Inspiration für das 21. Jahrhundert: Überlegungen zur Dialektik von Liebe und Macht im Rheingold und im Posthumanismus. In: Friedrich, S. (ed.), Das Kunstwerk der Zukunft, Würzburg, 2014, 123-137.
- Jenseits einer rigiden Konzeption des Anthropozentrismus. In Vogel, B. (ed.): Umwertung der Menschenwürde: Kontroversen mit und nach Nietzsche. Alber, Freiburg i. Br. 2014, 165-192.
- Introducing Post- amd Transhumanism. In: Ranisch, Robert/Sorgner, Stefan Lorenz (Hg.): Post- and Transhumanism: An Introduction. Peter Lang, New York et al., 2014, 7-28. (together with Robert Ranisch)
- Pedigrees. In: Ranisch, Robert/Sorgner, Stefan Lorenz (Hg.): Post- and Transhumanism: An Introduction. Peter Lang, New York et al., 2014, 29-48.
- Music. In: Ranisch, Robert/Sorgner, Stefan Lorenz (Hg.): Post- and Transhumanism: An Introduction. Peter Lang, New York et al., 2014, 299-310.
- Introduction. In: Irina Deretić, Irina/Sorgner, Stefan Lorenz (eds.): From Humanism to Meta- Post and Transhumanism? Peter Lang, New York et al. Peter Lang, New York et al., 2016, 13-20. (together with Irina Deretić)
- Nietzsche’s Virtue Ethics and Sandels’ Rejection of Enhancement Technologies: Truthful, Virtuous Parents may enhance their Children Genetically. In: Irina Deretić, Irina/Sorgner, Stefan Lorenz (eds.): From Humanism to Meta- Post and Transhumanism? Peter Lang, New York et al. Peter Lang, New York et al., 2016, 359-378.
- Nietzsche, Transhumanismus und drei Arten der (post)humanen Perfektion. In: Friedrich, O. et al. (eds.) (2016): Nietzsche, Foucault und die Medizin. Transcript, Bielefeld, 2016, 245-268. (on invitation)
- The Transhumanist Types of (Post)Human Perfection. In: Hurlbut, J. B./ Tirosh-Samuelson, H. (eds): Perfecting Human Futures: Transhuman Visions and Technological Imaginations. Springer, Wiesbaden, 2016, 141-157. (on invitation)
- Förderung von Leistungsfähigkeit als elterliche Tugend? Nietzsche, Sandel und das genetische Enhancement. In: Ferrari, C/Kiesel, D. (eds.): Tugend. Klostermann, Frankfurt a. M., 2016, 179-200. (on invitation)
- “Wagners Kunst ist krank”. In: Georg, J./Reschke, R. (eds.): Wagner und Nietzsche: Perspektiven ihrer Auseinandersetzung. De Gruyter, Berlin 2016, 94-110. (on invitation)
- Transhumanistische Bilder perfekter Körper. In: Beinsteiner, Andreas/Kohn, Tanja (eds.): Körperphantasien. Technisierung-Optimierung-Transhumanismus. Innsbruck University Press, Innsbruck, 2016, 192-200. (on invitation)
- „Nietzsche Éducateur. D‘e Héraclite au Transhumanisme“. In: Astor, D./Jugnon, A. (eds.): Pourquoi Nous Sommes Nietzschéens“. Les Impressions Nouvelles, Bruxelles, 229-238.
- The Future of Education: Genetic Enhancement and Metahumanities. In: Johnson, Marc (Ed.): fecund lacuna: Art, Archaeology, Genetics. Analogues Editions, Arles et al., 2016, 32-79. (on invitation)
- L'Avenir de l'Éducation : Amélioration Génétique et Métahumanités, dans lacune féconde : Art, Archéologie, Génétique, sous la dir, de Marc Johnson, Arles, Analogues Editions, 2016 p. 32-79. (translated into the French, on invitation)
- Nussbaums Capability Approach und die strukturelle Analogie von erzieherischen und genetischem Enhancement. In: Mührel, E./Niemeyer, C./Werner, S. (eds.): Capability Approach und Sozialpädagogik. Eine heilige Allianz? Beltz, Weinheim, 2017, 169-185. (on invitation)
- Das Internet Panoptikum. Big Gene Data, Bioprivatheit und die totale Überwachung. In: Stiftung Datenschutz (ed.): Big Data und E-Health. Erisch Schmidt Verlag, Berlin, 2017, 171-186.
- Philosophy as „Intellectual War of Values“. In: Blackford, R./Broderick, D. (eds): Philosophy’s Future. The Problem of Philosophical Progress. Wiley/Blackwell, Hoboken/NY, 2017, 193-200.
- Nietzsche, the Overhuman, and Transhumanism. In: Tuncel, Y. (ed.): Nietzsche and Transhumanism. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne, 2017, 14-26.
- Beyond Humanism: Reflections on Trans- and Posthumanism. In: Tuncel, Y. (ed.): Nietzsche and Transhumanism. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne, 2017, 41-69.
- Zarathustra 2.0. Further Remarks on the Complex Relationship between Nietzsche and Transhumanism. In: Tuncel, Y. (ed.): Nietzsche and Transhumanism. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne, 2017, 172-190.
- Immortality as Utopia and the Relevance of Nihilism. In: Tuncel, Y. (ed.): Nietzsche and Transhumanism. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne, 2017, 248-261.
- A Metahumanist Manifesto. In: Sampanikou, E. (ed.): Audiovisual Posthumanism. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne, 2017, 9-13.
- Introduction. In: Sinaci, M./ Sorgner, S. L. (2018): Ethics of Emerging Technologies: From Educating the Young to Engineering Posthumans. Trivent Publishing, Budapest, 2018, 1-4 (together with Maria Sinaci).
- Genes, CRISPR/Cas 9, and Posthumans. In: Sinaci, M./ Sorgner, S. L. (2018): Ethics of Emerging Technologies: From Educating the Young to Engineering Posthumans. Trivent Publishing, Budapest, 2018, 5-17.
- Was wollen Transhumanisten? In: Göcke, B. P./Meier-Hamidi, F. (2018). Designobjekt Mensch. Die Agenda des Transhumanismus auf dem Prüfstand. Herder, Freiburg i.Br., 153-180.
- Altern als Krankheit. In: Ehni, Hans-Jörg (2018): Altersutopien. Campus, Frankfurt a.M./New York.
- Sorgner, S. L. (2018): Aging As Disease. In: Tandy, C. (ed.): Death and Anti-Death, Volume 16: Two Hundred Years After Frankenstein. Ria University Press, Ann Arbor, 235-252.
- Android Data – Eigentum oder Träger von Rechten?. In: Bauer, M. C. (ed.): Neue Welten. Star Trek als humanistische Utopie? Springer, Berlin, 2018, 165-204.
- Brief an Nietzsche. In Schenkel, E./Hamouda, F. (eds.): 101 Briefe an Friedrich Nietzsche zu seinem 175. Geburtstag, Edition Hamouda, Leipzig, Oktober 2019.
- Über den „schönen neuen Menschen“. In: Lippert, a. (ed.): Ursprung und Gegenwart. Interdisziplinäre Gespräche über die ‚Natur des Menschen. VWG, Berlin 2019, 165-172.
- Das Gesamtkunstwerk der posthumanen Zukunft. In: Bontempelli, P. C./Bossini, O.: “Abbasso il Tango e Parsifal!”. Wagner in Italia 1914-1945. Istituto Italiano di Studi Germanici, Roma 2019, 355-362.
- The Dignity of Apes, Humans, and AI: In: Kelemen, O./Tari, G. (2019 (eds): The Bioethics of the “Crazy Ape”. Trivent, Budaest, 2019.
- Music. In: Thomsen, M. R./Wamberg, J. (eds): The Bloomsbury Handbook of Posthumanism. Bloomsbury, London 2020, chap. 27.
- Transhumanism. In: Thomsen, M. R./Wamberg, J. (eds): The Bloomsbury Handbook of Posthumanism. Bloomsbury, London 2020, chap. 3.
- Ein europäisches Sozialkreditsystem als pragmatische Notwendigkeit? In: Bauer, Michael C./ Deinzer, Laura (eds.) (2020): Bessere Menschen? Technische und ethische Fragen in der transhumanistischen Zukunft. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 183-200.
- Konvergenz von Trans- und kritischem Posthumanismus. In: Wolf, P. (ed.): Transhumanismus, Posthumanismus und neue Technologien. Leipziger Universitätsverlag, Leipzig, 2020, 39-58.
- Muße in posthumanen Zeiten. In: Wolf, P. (ed.): Transhumanismus, Posthumanismus und neue Technologien. Leipziger Universitätsverlag, Leipzig, 2020, 213-228.
- Transhumanism Without Mind Uploading and Immortality. In: Musiolik, T. H./Cheok, A.D. (eds): Analyzing Future Applications of AI, Sensors, and Robotics in Society.IGI Global, Hershey, Pennsylvania, 2020, 284-291.
- Transhuman. Menschen als hybride Cyborgs. In: Dathe, S. (ed.) Transhuman. Museum Ulm, Ulm, 2020, 161-167.
- Transhuman. Humans as Hybrid Cyborgs. In: Dathe, S. (ed.) Transhuman. Museum Ulm, Ulm, 2020, 246-249.
- Wir sind stets Cyborgs gewesen. In: Herzberg, S/Watzka, H. (eds): Transhumanismus. Über die Grenzen technischer Selbstverbesserung. De Gruyter, Berlin/Boston, 2020, 61-82.
- Prefazione. In: Balistreri, M. (2020): Superumani. Etica e potenziamento. Espress edizioni, Torino.
- Elements of a Posthuman Philosophy of Art. In: Hofkirchner, Wolfgang, Kreowski, Hans-Jörg (Eds.): Transhumanism: The Proper Guide to a Posthuman Condition or a Dangerous Idea? Springer, Cham, 2021, 79-94.
- Nietzsche, the Overhuman, and Transhumanism. In: Sampanikous, E./Sapienko, J. (eds.) (2021): Posthuman Studies Reader. Core Readings on Meta-, Post- and Transhumanism. Schwabe, Basel, 123-138.
- Metahumanist Manifesto. In: Sampanikous, E./Sapienko, J. (eds.) (2021): Posthuman Studies Reader. Core Readings on Meta-, Post- and Transhumanism. Schwabe, Basel, 295-298. (together with Jaime del Val)
- Adage of Metahumanism. In: Sampanikous, E./Sapienko, J. (eds.) (2021): Posthuman Studies Reader. Core Readings on Meta-, Post- and Transhumanism. Schwabe, Basel, 305-308.
- Transhumanismus. In: Görres-Gesellschaft: Staatslexikon, Bd. 5. Herder, Freiburg i.Br.
- Dignity, Personhood, and the Sacred. In: Jorion, P. (ed.) 2022): Humanism and its Discontents. The Rise of Transhumanism and Posthumanism. Palgrave Macmillan, New York et al., 85-96. (on invitation)
- Enlightenment, Truths, and the Sciences. In: Jorion, P. (ed.) 2022): Humanism and its Discontents. The Rise of Transhumanism and Posthumanism. Palgrave Macmillan, New York et al., 105-111. (on invitation)
Articles in Journals
- Nietzsche & Germany. In: Philosophy Now Issue 29, Oktober/November 2000, 10-13 (invited); ISSN: 0961-5970
- Nietzsche & Germany. In: Common Sense - Nietzsche and the New Millennium, Moskau/Russland, Frühling 2000: 27-30 (translated into the Russian)
- Nietzsche & Germany. In: Nietzsche 2000, Journal of Abstracts, Series 3. Philosophy, INION, Moscow/Russia, 2001-4; 135-141. ISSN 0202-2052. (translated into the Russian)
- Nietzsche and Germany - Nice u Nemackoj. In: KNJIZEVNI LIST. Mesecnik za knjizevnost, kulturu i drustvena pitanja, br. 5-6, Beograd, 1.12.2002.- 1.01.2003., 13 (translated into the Serbian)
- Vattimo, Metaphysik und der Sinn des Leben In: Grenzgebiete der Wissenschaft 53 (2004) 2, 169-188.
- Darwin’s Influence in Germany – „Darvinov uticaj u Nemačkoj“. In: Književni list, 1. septembar 2006, 4-5. (translated into the Serbian, invited)
- Nietzsche und der Harmonismu In: Arche, III, 5-6/2006, 241-262.
- Facetten der Eugenik. In: Zeitschrift fuer Literatur, Philosophie und Kultur ZENIT, No 5 (Topic: Eugenics), July 2007, 80-84. (translated into the Serbian, invited)
- Darwin’s Influence in Germany. In: Arche, IV, 7/2007, 207-217.
- In Search of Lost Cheekiness: An Introduction to Peter Sloterdijk’s “Critique of Cynical Reason”. In: Arche, IV, 8/2007, S. 193-210.
- „Warum ich ein Posthumaner sein will“: Transhumanismus: Die gefährlichste Idee der Welt? In: FAU Review 01/2012, 20-29. (on invitation)
- Posthumane leben besser: Ist der Transhumanismus die gefährlichste Idee der Welt?. In: Aufklärung und Kritik. Heft 44 Oktober 2012 19. Jahrgang Nr. 4, 160-173. (on invitation)
- Ein fließendes Selbst. In: Horizonte – Das Schweizer Forschungsmagazin, Nr. 96, März 13, 9.
- Les contours fluides du moi. In: Horizons – Le magazine Suisse de la recherché scientifique, No 96, Mars 2013. (translated into the French for the French edition of the magazine)
- Human Dignity 2.0. Beyond a Rigid Version of Anthropocentrism. In: Trans-Humanities, Vol. 6, No. 1 February 2013 157-185.
- Human Dignity 2.0. Beyond a Rigid Version of Anthropocentrism. In: Trans-Humanities 11, 2013, 139-169. (translated into the Korean).
- Ein metahumanistisches Manifest. In: Katalog Publikation Cynetart 2013, 4-5. (together with Jaime del Val)
- Zur Einführung: Stammbäume des Meta-, Post- und Transhumanismus. In: Aufklärung und Kritik. Heft 3/2015, 22. Jahrgang, 4-27.
- Plädoyer für einen schwachen Transhumanismus. In: Aufklärung und Kritik. Heft 3/2015, 22. Jahrgang, 273-290.
- ФИЛОСОФСКИЕ РАЗМЫШЛЕНИЯ ОБ ОПЕРНОЙ РЕФОРМЕ К. В. ГЛЮКА. In: K 70-ЛЕТИЮ ВЕЛИКОЙ ПОБЕДЫ, 2015 № 2 (21) (Philosophical Reflections on Gluck’s Opera Reform. In: Journal of Moscow Conservatory). (Translation into the Russian and commentary by Roman Nassonov).
- Metacoming Dualities. In: Metabody – Journal of Metacultural Critique -1/2015, 26-27.
- A Metahumanist Manifesto. In: Metabody – Journal of Metacultural Critique -1/2015, 84-85. (together with Jaime del Val)
- Un Manifesto Metahumanista. In: Metabody – Journal of Metacultural Critique -1/2015, 86-87. (together with Jaime del Val)
- Stammbäume des Meta-, Post- und Transhumanismus. Aufklärung und Kritik: Zeitschrift für freies Denken. 3/2015, 4-27.
- Plädoyer für einen schwachen Transhumanismus. Aufklärung und Kritik: Zeitschrift für freies Denken. 3/2015, 273-291.
- Perfecting Human Beings: From Kant and Nietzsche to Trans- and Posthumanism. In: Trans-Humanities, vol 9, nr. 1, 2016, 41-61. (peer reviewed)
- From Nietzsche’s Overhuman to the Posthuman of Transhumanism: Transcultural Discourses. In: The Journal of English Language & Literature, vol. 62, no. 2 June 2016, 163-176. (peer reviewed)
- Nietzsche, Nadcovjek, I Transhumanizam. In: Antropoloski almanah #2/2016, 57-70. (Translated into the Croatian)
- Editor’s Note. In: Journal of Posthuman Studies: Philosophy, Media, Technology.Vol. 1, No. 1 2017, 1-8.
- Genetic Privacy, Big Gene Data, and the Internet Panopticon. In: Journal of Posthuman Studies: Philosophy, Media, Technology. Vol. 1, No. 1 2017, 87-103.
- Transhumanismus, Militär, Gentechniken. In: W&F, Wissenschaft und Frieden, Dossier 85, 4/2017, 10-11.
- Transhumanism and the Land of Cockaygne. In Trans-Humanities 2018 vol 11 no. 1 23, 165-188. (peer reviewed)
- Künstlerisches Schaffen jenseits des Humanismus. In: Jahrbuch Praktische Philosophie in globaler Perspektive2, ‚Natur‘ als Bezugspunkt der praktischen Philosophie, Alber 2018, 220-240. (peer reviewed)
- Editor’s Note. In: Journal of Posthuman Studies: Philosophy, Media, Technology. Penn State University Press. 2.1. year 2018, 1-5.
- Editor’s Note. In: Journal of Posthuman Studies: Philosophy, Media, Technology. Penn State University Press. 2.2. year 2018, 123-128.
- Transhumanism: The Best Minds of Our Generation are Needed for Shaping Our Future. In: APA Newsletter on Philosophy and Computers", vol. 18, number 2, Spring 19, pages 15-18. . (peer reviewed)
- Towards a Plurality of Bodily Affordances. In the “Annals of the University of Bucharest - Philosophy Series”, [S.l.], v. 67, n. 2, p. 179-185, apr. 2019.
- Nietzsche, the Overhuman, and Transhumanism (Chinese Translation), Studies on Foreign Social Sciences 2019.8, 63-70.
- Cyborgs, Freedom, and the Internet Panopticon. In: Studium Ricerca, n. 3 - 2019, 20-44.
- Editor’s Note. In: Journal of Posthuman Studies: Philosophy, Media, Technology. Penn State University Press. 3.1. year 2019, 1-4.
- Editor’s Note. In: Journal of Posthuman Studies: Philosophy, Media, Technology. Penn State University Press. 3.2. year 2019, 111-113.
- Postumanesimo, metaumanesimo, transumanesimo: come andare oltre l’umano: In: Civiltà delle Macchine, Nr. 3 2020, 70-73. (on invitation, translated into the Italian)
- Editor’s Note. In: Journal of Posthuman Studies: Philosophy, Media, Technology. Penn State University Press. 4.1. year 2020, 1-4.
- Editor’s Note. In: Journal of Posthuman Studies: Philosophy, Media, Technology. Penn State University Press. 4.2. year 2020, 113-118.
- The Posthuman Paradigm-Shift and the Possibility of Catholic Leisure. In: Concilium, Incarnation in a Post/Human Age, 3/2021. English original.
- The Posthuman Paradigm-Shift and the Possibility of Catholic Leisure. In: Concilium, Incarnation in a Post/Human Age, 3/2021. Italian translation.
- The Posthuman Paradigm-Shift and the Possibility of Catholic Leisure. In: Concilium, Incarnation in a Post/Human Age, 3/2021. Spanish translation.
- The Posthuman Paradigm-Shift and the Possibility of Catholic Leisure. In: Concilium, Incarnation in a Post/Human Age, 3/2021. Portugese translation.
- The Posthuman Paradigm-Shift and the Possibility of Catholic Leisure. In: Concilium, Incarnation in a Post/Human Age, 3/2021. German translation.
- The Posthuman Paradigm-Shift and the Possibility of Catholic Leisure. In: Concilium, Incarnation in a Post/Human Age, 3/2021. Croatian translation.
- Editor’s Note. In: Journal of Posthuman Studies: Philosophy, Media, Technology. Penn State University Press. 5.1. year 2021, 1-4.
- Editor’s Note. In: Journal of Posthuman Studies: Philosophy, Media, Technology. Penn State University Press. 5.2. year 2021, 105-108.
- Entering the Intellectual discourses on “On Transhumanism”. In Delberatio. 1(1) 2021, 109–119. (On invitation, it is a special issue on my monograph (On Transhumanism”)
- Editor’s Note. In: Journal of Posthuman Studies: Philosophy, Media, Technology. Penn State University Press. 6.1. year 2022, 1-3.
Articles in www-journals
- Schönberg als Förderer des Nihilismus und der Zivilisation. In: Tabula Rasa 19:
- In Search of Lost Cheekiness: An Introduction to Peter Sloterdijk’s “Critique of Cynical Reason”. In: Tabula Rasa 20
- Who is the ‚music-making Socrates’? In: Minerva - An Internet Journal of Philosophy 8 (2004): 91-113
- Two concepts of ‘Liberal Education’. In: ethic@, Florianópolis, v. 3, n.2, 107-119, Dec. 2004
- Plotinus and Minimal Music. In: De Musica, Anno IX, 2005
- Nietzsche, the Overman and Transhumanisn. In: The Journal of Evolution and Technology, Vol. 20 Issue 1 – March 2009, P. 29-42. (The Journal of Evolution and Technology, Vol. 21 Issue 1 – January 2010 contains solely replies to my article, e.g. by Max More, Michael Hauskeller)
- Beyond Humanism: Reflections on Trans- and Posthumanism. In: The Journal of Evolution and Technology, Vol. 21 Issue 2 – October 2010, 1-19 (on invitation, my reply to several replies).
- „Zarathustra 2.0 and Beyond: Further Reflection on the complex Relationship between Nietzsche and Transhumanism”. In: The Agonist, VOLUME IV, ISSUE II. FALL 2011, 1-46.
- A Metahumanist Manifesto. In: The Agonist, VOLUME IV, ISSUE II. FALL 2011, 1-4. (together with Jaime del Val.
- Paternalistic Cultures versus Nihilistic Cultures. In: European Journal of Science and Theology, February 2013, Vol. 9 no. 1, 55-60. (invited)
- Kant, Nietzsche and the Moral Prohibition of Treating a Person Solely as a Means. In: The Agonist, VOLUME VI, ISSUE I & II, SPRING & FALL 2013, 1-6.
- Is there a “Moral Obligation to Create Children with the Best Chance of the Best Life”?. In: Humana Mente: Journal of Philosophical Studies, 2014, Vol. 26, 199-212. (on invitation)
- Genetic Enhancement and Metahumanities. The Future of Education. In: Journal of Evolution and Technology - Vol. 25 Issue 1 – May 2015, 31-48. (peer reviewed)
- Metahumanist Politics and Three Types of Freedom. In: European Journal of Science and Theology, February 2015, Vol. 11 no. 1, 119-129. (invited)
- The Stoic Sage 3.0: A Realistic Goal of Moral (Bio)Enhancement Supporters? In: Journal of Evolution and Technology - Vol. 26 Issue 1 – February 2016, 83-93. (peer reviewed)
- The Pedigree of Dualistic and Non-Dualistic Media: Grasping Extra-Medial Meanings. In: The Journal for Religion, Film and Media, 2016, 2/1, 15-22. (peer reviewed)
- NIETZSCHE, EL SOBREHUMANO Y EL TRANSHUMANISMO. Translated into the Spanish by Jonathan Piedra Alegría. In: PRAXIS-REVISTA DE FILOSOFÍA, Nº. 75, 2017, 1-23.
- Philosophische Reflexionen zu Glucks Opernreform, Orbis Idearum, Volume 5, Issue 1 (2017), pp. 9-25.
- Reflexions concerning Ancient and Modern Philosophy of Music, Orbis Idearum, Volume 5, Issue 2 (2017), pp. 9-21.
- Nussbaum’s Capability Approach and the Structural Analogy of Educational and Genetic Enhancement. In: Etica & Politica / Ethics & Politics (2018) XX/3, Trieste, EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2018, pp. 73-87. (peer reviewed)
- Nonconscious Cognitive Suffering: Considering Suffering Risks of Embodied Artificial Intelligence. In: Philosophies 2019, 4(2), 24 (together with Stephen Umbrello). (peer reviewed)
- What does It Mean to Harm a Person? In: HUMANA MENTE. Journal of Philosophical Studies, 13(37), 2020, 207-232. Retrieved from (peer reviewed, on invitation)
- Genetic Enhancement and Metahumanities. In: ETHIKA+ ISSN 2452-6037, No. 3 (2021), pp. 303-333. DOI: 10.5354/2452-6037.202(Translated into the Spanish)
- Africa, China, and the Meaning of Digital Data. ETHIKA+, Año 3.,No. 5, 2022, 140-150.
- Beyond Humanism: Reflections on Trans-and Posthumanism. In: ETHIKA+, Año 3.,No. 5, 2022, 170-207. (Translated into the Spanish by Hugo Alarcón Acuña & Diego Ticchione)
- Zarathustra 2.0 and Beyond:Further Remarks on the Complex Relationship between Nietzsche and Transhumanism. In: ETHIKA+, Año 3.,No. 5, 2022, 208-255.(Translated into the Spanish by Nicolás Rojas Cortés & Camilo Vergara R.)
- Immortality as Utopia and the Relevance of Nihilism. In: ETHIKA+, Año 3.,No. 5, 2022, 256-273. (Translated into the Spanish by Natalia Bravo Jiménez & Nicolás Rojas Cortés)
- Der neue Mensch Revisited. In: zur Debatte., Jahrgang 53, Heft 1, 2023, 95-99.
- Stefan Lorenz Sorgner, "Smear Gel Paper for a Contingent Marble Sculpture. A Reply to Some Critics" in: "Etica & Politica / Ethics & Politics (2023) XXV/1", EUT Edizioni Università di Trieste, Trieste, 2023, pp. 352-364
Articles in Encyclopaedias
- Darwin’s Influence in Germany (2500 Words); Vol. 2, 677-682.
- Kant (1000 Words); Vol. 3, 1355-1358.
- Hegel (1000 Words); Vol. 3, 1149-1151.
- Marx (1750 Words); Vol. 4, 1540-1543.
- Human Dignity (1000 Words); Vol. 3, 1219-1221.
- Gemeinschaft (1750 Words); Vol. 3, 1028-1030.
- Gesellschaft (1750 Words); Vol. 3, 1073-1076.
- Schliemann (1750 Words); Vol. 5, 2057-2059.
- Wegener (1000 Words); Vol. 5, 2305-2307.
- Virchow (1750 Words); Vol. 5, 2287-2289.
In: Birx, H. James (Ed.) (2006): Encyclopedia of Anthropology. 5 Vol., SAGE Publications in Thousand Oaks, California. (invited) - German Literature, Unbelief in (1700-1900) (3200 Words), 358-361.
In: Flynn, Tom (Ed.): Encyclopedia of Unbelief. Prometheus Book (invited) - Heraclitus (1000 Words); Vol. 2, 646-648.
- Music (2500 Words); Vol. 2, 887-891.
- Nietzsche and Heraclitus (2500 Words); Vol. 2, 919-922.
- Sloterdijk, Peter (1000 Words); Vol. 3, 1169-1171.
- Transhumanism (500 Words); Vol. 3, 1375-1176.
In: Birx, H. James (Ed.) (2009): Encyclopedia of Time. 3. Vol., SAGE Publications in Thousand Oaks, California. (invited) - Human Rights and Dignity (7000 Words), vol. 2, 1015-1024.
In: Birx, H. James (Ed.): Handbook of 21st Century Anthropology. 2. Vol., SAGE Publications in Thousand Oaks, California. (invited)
- Ritoók, Zsigmond (2004): Griechische Musikästhetik. Peter Lang, Frankfurt a. M. et alt. In: Science et Esprit - Revue de philosophie et de théologie. 57/1 (2005), 88-90.
- Birnbacher, Dieter (2006): Bioethik zwischen Natur und Interesse. Suhrkamp, Frankfurt a. M. et alt. In: Spektrum der Wissenschaft, April 2007, 102. (invited)
- Olejniczak Lobsien, V./Olk, C. (2007) (Hg.): Neuplatonismus und Ästhetik: Zur Transformationsgeschichte des Schönen. De Gruyter, Berlin, New York. In: Tabula Rasa 31.
- Tuncel, Yunus: Towards a Genealogy of Spectacle: Understanding Contemporary Spectacular Experiences. In: Critica: Zeitschrift für Philosophie un Kunsttheorie. Bd. 1/2012, 34-42.
- Vattimo, Gianni (2008): Vorwort. In: Sorgner, S. L./ Birx, H. J./ Knoepffler, N. (Eds.): Wagner und Nietzsche: Kultur-Werk-Wirkung: Ein Handbuch. Rowohlt, Reinbek b. Hamburg 2008, 10-14. (Together with Luca Pignatelli Spinazzola)
- Singer, Peter (2011): Vorwort. In: Eissa, Tina-Louise/Sorgner, S. L. (Eds.): Geschichte der Bioethik: Eine Einführung. Mentis, Paderborn 2011, 13-15.
Focus-Online Expert (Section „Knowledge“; on invitation)
- Sterbehilfe in Deutschland. Menschenwürde – Ein Plädoyer für mehr Bescheidenheit!
- Deutschland und die Gretchenfrage. Was Pegida und Kopftücher gemeinsam haben
Interviews with the radio,
internet journals, and print journals (a selection)
Public outreach
Since August 2014 Focus-Online Expert (Section „Knowledge“; on invitation):
Philosophie Magazin Online
Endoxai: PRIVACY, LIBERTÀ E SORVEGLIANZA TOTALE, 19.9.2021 (Translated into the Italian, on invitation):
Invited Article in The European 13.7.2021
Art event
Discussing the Transhuman, Art Biennale Venice, 20th October 2019
unknown location in Venice, in a bunker, Clandestine talk in the frame of the project
Thinking Head by Lara Favaretto, Participants: Kathleen Bryson, Rebecca Levene, Volker Sommer, Stefan Lorenz Sorgner (on invitation) (including transcribed text on the website)
Invited articles in public outreach journals
Transhumanismus und die Zukunft der Erinnerung. In: Sucht, Frühling 2020, 113, 12-13. (on invitation)
A Posthuman Adage to Longevity. In: Immortalists Magazine, issue 1, January/February 2020, 14-15. (on invitation)
Interviews with the radio, internet journals, and print journals (a selection)
Radio (a selection):
9. 25.05.2016, Jenseits des Menschen: der Transhumanismus, WDR:
10. 6. January 2017, 8pm-9pm, one hour live interview with Jürgen Wiebicke, WDR 5 Sendung „Das philosophische Radio“:
11. 9.2.2017, Wird die Evolution durch Crispr zum Auslaufmodell?, interview with Lydia Heller, Deutschlandfunk Kultur:
12. 17.2.2017, Interview with me on transhumanism in Dimensionen-Welt der Wissenschaft, Ö1.
13. 21.6.2017: A recording of the public discussion I have had with Sven Helbig, Regula Rapp, Rektorin der Staatlichen Hochschule für Musik und darstellende Kunst Stuttgart, and Andreas Dorschel, Vorstand des Institutes für Musikästhetik der KUG. It was cut and prepared for the radio klassik in Austria by Ursula Magnes (21.6.2017):
Here is a description of the event
14. 06/2018 Public discussion on Nietzsche at the 9th of June 2018, 9-11pmin cologne as final evening of the phil cologne which was broadcasted live on Saturday evening on German public radio (WDR) for 2 hours:
15. Wie Biohacker ihr Erbgut manipulieren, Monday, 14.1.2019, 30 minutes, SWR2, interview with Max Rauner who refers to me as the „bad boy of philosophy“.
16. Selbstoptimierung. Wenn der Mensch sein eigener Schöpfer wird. Interview with me by Niklas Nau. 12.03.2019, From 18:05 until 18:30.
17. Interview on Czech Radio station, 2nd of November 2021, Matěj Skalický:
18. Interview on "We have always been cyborgs" for the US-American weekly public radio program “The Measure of Everyday Life”, February, 2022:
Internet (a selection):
Interview for the conference “Meditation und Achtsamkeit”, 1. Teil, Spring 2017:
23.7.2017, Interview with me on Perché non dobbiamo avere paura di robot e intelligenze artificiali:
Podcast interview with John Danaher on my Nietzschean Transhumanism for 1 hour and 15 minutes:
On the simulation argument in episode 3 of the Life Cycle podcast series dreamt up by Klang Games:
Interview on genome editing in Kennislink, 15.11.2019:
6/2020: Searching For The Question with David Orban, Live 52, on youtube, Transhumanism And Posthumanism With Stefan Lorenz Sorgner:
9/2020: The War for Access to Digital & Genetic Data
Youtube channel "2030: Beyond the Film" invited interview with Film Director Johnny Boston
10/2020 Transhumanismus - auf dem Weg zum Menschen 2.0?
Youtube channel „Für immer jung mit Kleine-Gunk“ invited interview with the President of the German Society of Anti-Aging Medicine Prof. Dr. Bernd Kleine-Gunk
5/2021 "We Have Always Been Cyborgs" A Philosophical Talk On Meta-, Post And Transhumanism, with Professor Stefan Lorenz Sorgner
The CCIIF Conferences – The Research Center for the History and Circulation of Philosophical Ideas, subordinated to the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Bucharest, is pleased to announce that the special guest of this year`s cycle of lectures-interviews is Professor Stefan Lorenz Sorgner. The dialogue is occasioned by a large interest of our philosophical community towards one of his last books, On Transhumanism (Penn State University Press, 2020).
11. Thomas Losse-Müller interviews me for the German podcast 21 Staatskunst: Podcast 8.4.2021
12. Podcast Minds of Tommorow 8/2021
13. We have always been Cyborgs Blog post on the site Transforming Society, 11/2021 4th November 2021
14. Meltingpot Virtual Forum, 11/2021
15. Futures Podcast, Luke Robert Mason, 13.6.2022
16. 08/2022 Podcast Interview with Singularity University
17. Metahumanisme, transhumanisme et post-humanisme- avec Stefan Lorenz Sorgner by The Flares, in French, 9/2022
18. Voices of Meltingpot, Interview, 2/2023
Journals, e.g.:
The Agonist, Autumn 2011.
Im Zweifel für die Freiheit. In: diesseits. Das humanistische Magazin. 29. Jahrgang, Nr. 112, 3/2015, 33-36.
Transhumanism. In: De Filosoof. Perfectie. Nr 68, 2015, 11-13.
Expectations and Apprehensions of Transhumanism. In: FlfF-Kommunikation 2/2016: (Interview with James Hughes, Zoltan Istvan and Stefan Lorenz Sorgner)
U Sumnji za Slobodu. In: Antropoloski almanah #2/2016, 76-82. (Translated into the Croatian)
Veritas- Revista de Filosofia da PUCRS - conducted by Professor Cinara Nahra and Keoma Ferreira, Veritas, Porto Alegre, v. 66, n. 1, p. 1-8, jan.-dez. 2021 (Translated into the Portuguese)
Popular Journals, e.g.:
23. Stefan Lorenz Sorgner: „Wer Pluralität und Freiheit will, muss den Transhumanismus bejahen“. In Philoisophie Magazin: March 2023
24. Transhumanismus. Das Streitgespräch mit Phillip von Becker. April 2023
National newspapers, e.g.:
„Die Zeit“ from the 8.5.2013:
International newspapers, e.g.:
Ekathimerini, 25.08.2013:
Il Golfo, 27.09.2013.
Europa wird ein Disneyland werden. Die Presse am Sonntag, 12.8.2018, Samir H. Köck, p. 48.
Transhumanist Sorgner: Erfülltes Leben durch neue Technologien. Der Standard, Raimund Lang, 26.9.2018, p. 14.
Further Research Outreach, e.g.
5.2.2016, My take on transhumanism gets dealt with in an article in a Slovenian weekly magazine entitled Mladina:
15.1.2017 My “Transhumanismus” monograph was recommended by the Austrian newspaper Kurier as one of the five most helpful books which deal with the future:
3.4.2017, Milano Design Week, Interview video as part of the exhibition, April 2017:
20.5.2017, My transhumanist take gets dealt with in the Mannheimer Morgen:,-kultur-der-fremdbestimmte-mensch-_arid,1050712.html
6.6.2017 In “Grazkunst”, you find a report with verbal citations from my public discussion with Sven Helbig, Andreas Dorschel and Regula Rapp in Graz.
06/2017, Airberlin Magazine presented me as a Visionary (in German and English), p. 111:
The following essay collection circles around my reflections on the relationship between Nietzsche and transhumanism as well as my own Nietzschean transhumanism: Tuncel, Y. (ed.): Nietzsche and Transhumanism. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne, 2017 Die Visionen der Transhumanisten: News 2017:
My vision of the future of an office worker turned into a design: Die Evolution des Büromenschen: Ein Gedankenexperiment 2017
JCU Alla Griglia Video Discussion with Brunella Antomarini, 21.2.2018 on the posthuman.
May/June 2018 Zeit Wissen Nr. 03
2021 Upgrade für den Menschen, Gehirn und Geist, Spektrum der Wissenschaften, Gehirn&Geist 4/2021
Since August 2014 Focus-Online Expert (Section „Knowledge“; on invitation):
- Sterbehilfe in DeutschlandMenschenwürde – Ein Plädoyer für mehr Bescheidenheit!
- Deutschland und die Gretchenfrage. Was Pegida und Kopftücher gemeinsam haben
Philosophie Magazin Online
- Vom Schweineherz zum Übermenschen, 14.1.2022:
- LaMDA – von Chatbots und Engeln, 21.6.2022 (on invitation):
- LaMDA (Translated into the French), 24.6.2022:
Endoxai: PRIVACY, LIBERTÀ E SORVEGLIANZA TOTALE, 19.9.2021 (Translated into the Italian, on invitation):
Invited Article in The European 13.7.2021
- Transhumanismus - Er ist besser als sein Ruf
Art event
Discussing the Transhuman, Art Biennale Venice, 20th October 2019
unknown location in Venice, in a bunker, Clandestine talk in the frame of the project
Thinking Head by Lara Favaretto, Participants: Kathleen Bryson, Rebecca Levene, Volker Sommer, Stefan Lorenz Sorgner (on invitation) (including transcribed text on the website)
Invited articles in public outreach journals
Transhumanismus und die Zukunft der Erinnerung. In: Sucht, Frühling 2020, 113, 12-13. (on invitation)
A Posthuman Adage to Longevity. In: Immortalists Magazine, issue 1, January/February 2020, 14-15. (on invitation)
Interviews with the radio, internet journals, and print journals (a selection)
Radio (a selection):
- Südwestrundfunk für 1h Feature „Zarathustra 2.0 über die Perfektionierung der menschlichen Spezies“, 12.02.2012, 14-15 Uhr
- RBB Kultur für „Denken für freie Geister: Nietzsches Philosophie des Leibes“, Konrad Lindner, 14.03.2013 22:04-23:00 Uhr
- ORF Radiosendung „Dimensionen – Die Welt der Wissenschaft“: "Was wäre, wenn wir ewig lebten? Visionen, Versprechungen und Einwände. Ein Bericht vom 22. ernst mach forum" Ö1, 19.05-19.30 Uhr, 14.10.2013:
- ORF Radiosendung „Transhumanismus“: Ö1, 19.05-19.30 Uhr, 21.10.2013.
- Deutschlandradio Kultur „Über das Menschsein hinaus“: 19.30-20 Uhr, 16.06.2014
- 28.06.2015. Der Mensch der Zukunft. Moderatorin: Stephanie Rohde. 40 minute Interview with me:
- Transhumanismus: Mensch 4.0 oder die Überwindung des Körpers. HR Info. (Gekürzte Fassung am Sa., 24.10. 2015, 20.15 Uhr; First transmission, long version am So., 25.10., 7.35 / Wdh. 15.35 Uhr und Mo., 26.10., 21.35 Uhr):
9. 25.05.2016, Jenseits des Menschen: der Transhumanismus, WDR:
10. 6. January 2017, 8pm-9pm, one hour live interview with Jürgen Wiebicke, WDR 5 Sendung „Das philosophische Radio“:
11. 9.2.2017, Wird die Evolution durch Crispr zum Auslaufmodell?, interview with Lydia Heller, Deutschlandfunk Kultur:
12. 17.2.2017, Interview with me on transhumanism in Dimensionen-Welt der Wissenschaft, Ö1.
13. 21.6.2017: A recording of the public discussion I have had with Sven Helbig, Regula Rapp, Rektorin der Staatlichen Hochschule für Musik und darstellende Kunst Stuttgart, and Andreas Dorschel, Vorstand des Institutes für Musikästhetik der KUG. It was cut and prepared for the radio klassik in Austria by Ursula Magnes (21.6.2017):
Here is a description of the event
14. 06/2018 Public discussion on Nietzsche at the 9th of June 2018, 9-11pmin cologne as final evening of the phil cologne which was broadcasted live on Saturday evening on German public radio (WDR) for 2 hours:
15. Wie Biohacker ihr Erbgut manipulieren, Monday, 14.1.2019, 30 minutes, SWR2, interview with Max Rauner who refers to me as the „bad boy of philosophy“.
16. Selbstoptimierung. Wenn der Mensch sein eigener Schöpfer wird. Interview with me by Niklas Nau. 12.03.2019, From 18:05 until 18:30.
17. Interview on Czech Radio station, 2nd of November 2021, Matěj Skalický:
18. Interview on "We have always been cyborgs" for the US-American weekly public radio program “The Measure of Everyday Life”, February, 2022:
Internet (a selection):
Interview for the conference “Meditation und Achtsamkeit”, 1. Teil, Spring 2017:
23.7.2017, Interview with me on Perché non dobbiamo avere paura di robot e intelligenze artificiali:
Podcast interview with John Danaher on my Nietzschean Transhumanism for 1 hour and 15 minutes:
On the simulation argument in episode 3 of the Life Cycle podcast series dreamt up by Klang Games:
Interview on genome editing in Kennislink, 15.11.2019:
6/2020: Searching For The Question with David Orban, Live 52, on youtube, Transhumanism And Posthumanism With Stefan Lorenz Sorgner:
9/2020: The War for Access to Digital & Genetic Data
Youtube channel "2030: Beyond the Film" invited interview with Film Director Johnny Boston
10/2020 Transhumanismus - auf dem Weg zum Menschen 2.0?
Youtube channel „Für immer jung mit Kleine-Gunk“ invited interview with the President of the German Society of Anti-Aging Medicine Prof. Dr. Bernd Kleine-Gunk
5/2021 "We Have Always Been Cyborgs" A Philosophical Talk On Meta-, Post And Transhumanism, with Professor Stefan Lorenz Sorgner
The CCIIF Conferences – The Research Center for the History and Circulation of Philosophical Ideas, subordinated to the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Bucharest, is pleased to announce that the special guest of this year`s cycle of lectures-interviews is Professor Stefan Lorenz Sorgner. The dialogue is occasioned by a large interest of our philosophical community towards one of his last books, On Transhumanism (Penn State University Press, 2020).
11. Thomas Losse-Müller interviews me for the German podcast 21 Staatskunst: Podcast 8.4.2021
12. Podcast Minds of Tommorow 8/2021
13. We have always been Cyborgs Blog post on the site Transforming Society, 11/2021 4th November 2021
14. Meltingpot Virtual Forum, 11/2021
15. Futures Podcast, Luke Robert Mason, 13.6.2022
16. 08/2022 Podcast Interview with Singularity University
17. Metahumanisme, transhumanisme et post-humanisme- avec Stefan Lorenz Sorgner by The Flares, in French, 9/2022
18. Voices of Meltingpot, Interview, 2/2023
Journals, e.g.:
The Agonist, Autumn 2011.
Im Zweifel für die Freiheit. In: diesseits. Das humanistische Magazin. 29. Jahrgang, Nr. 112, 3/2015, 33-36.
Transhumanism. In: De Filosoof. Perfectie. Nr 68, 2015, 11-13.
Expectations and Apprehensions of Transhumanism. In: FlfF-Kommunikation 2/2016: (Interview with James Hughes, Zoltan Istvan and Stefan Lorenz Sorgner)
U Sumnji za Slobodu. In: Antropoloski almanah #2/2016, 76-82. (Translated into the Croatian)
Veritas- Revista de Filosofia da PUCRS - conducted by Professor Cinara Nahra and Keoma Ferreira, Veritas, Porto Alegre, v. 66, n. 1, p. 1-8, jan.-dez. 2021 (Translated into the Portuguese)
Popular Journals, e.g.:
- Posthumain, transhumain. In: Philosophie Magazine_hors-série. Nietzsche. L'Antisystème. 2015, 134-135. (translated into the French)
- Das Ende der Menschheit,so wie wir sie kennen. In: Psychologie Heute 08/2016.
- Die geschäftstüchtige Kranke. In: Cicero 09/2016.
- Do czego doprowadzi sojusz mózgu z procesorem. Nadchodzi Homo hybris. In. Polityka, nr. 40, 28.9.-4.10.16, 66-68. (translated into the Polish)
- “Alles muss sterben oder sich entwickeln”. In Philosophie Magazin Sonderausgabe 08 / June 2017, 114-117:
- Die Zukunft ist viel näher als wir glauben. In: Buddhismus aktuell 03/2017, 54-57:
- Die Natur der Technik. Transhumanismus und Tiefenökologie im Gespräch: A discussion with Geseke von Lüpke. In: Evolve 15, July-September 2017, 40-43:
- Human Resources Manager February/March 2018, „Die Entstehung einer neuen Art“, p. 28-32.
- 9 page interview Übermensch (plus photos) in the journal Cicero with Markus Gabriel and me as the two approaches of young German philosophers in their March 2019 edition, p. 92-100.
- Human Resources Manager February/March 2018, „Die Entstehung einer neuen Art“, p. 28-32.
- Datenzugang muss eingeschränkt werden, Morgen 2/2019.
- „Moralische Relikte müssen weichen“. In: reformiert, by Marius Schären, January 2020.
- Posthuman Paradigm Shift and Racism, Sexism, Speciesism, and Heteronormativity. In: Immortalists Magazine, issue 4, April/May 2020, 58-72. (plus personally being featured with photo on the cover)
- Posthuman Paradigm Shift and Racism, Sexism, Speciesism, and Heteronormativity. In: Immortalists Magazine, issue 6, June/July 2020, 80-90.
- Philosophy Now February/March 2021, issue 142, interview with Roberto Manzocco, 55-57.
- Philosophy Now February/March 2021, issue 142, interview with Roberto Manzocco, 55-57. Translated into the Arabic and published in the Doha Cultural Magazine
- Q Magazine 2021. Interview on “On Transhumanism” in Romanian and English, in print and online:
- On Transhumanism. In: Immortalists Magazine, issue 10, 2021, 34-44.
- Immortalists Magazine, issue 11, 2022, 132-139 (Interview with Nicole Illieva):
23. Stefan Lorenz Sorgner: „Wer Pluralität und Freiheit will, muss den Transhumanismus bejahen“. In Philoisophie Magazin: March 2023
24. Transhumanismus. Das Streitgespräch mit Phillip von Becker. April 2023
National newspapers, e.g.:
„Die Zeit“ from the 8.5.2013:
International newspapers, e.g.:
Ekathimerini, 25.08.2013:
Il Golfo, 27.09.2013.
Europa wird ein Disneyland werden. Die Presse am Sonntag, 12.8.2018, Samir H. Köck, p. 48.
Transhumanist Sorgner: Erfülltes Leben durch neue Technologien. Der Standard, Raimund Lang, 26.9.2018, p. 14.
- Participated in a 90-minutes TV talk show in the public television channel West ART Talk - Der Traum vom perfekten Menschen - Dürfen wir Gott spielen? (Sendung vom 08.12.2013; 11-12.30 Uhr).
- Interview with me in “Elektrischer Reporter”/ZDFinfo 3.3.2016
- Interview with me in „Horizonte“/HR, 29.7.2016
- 27 - Das Interview- Stefan Lorenz Sorgner, 5G: Versuch am Menschen?, 10 minute interview in French and German, ARTE, 28th of October 2022
Further Research Outreach, e.g.
5.2.2016, My take on transhumanism gets dealt with in an article in a Slovenian weekly magazine entitled Mladina:
15.1.2017 My “Transhumanismus” monograph was recommended by the Austrian newspaper Kurier as one of the five most helpful books which deal with the future:
3.4.2017, Milano Design Week, Interview video as part of the exhibition, April 2017:
20.5.2017, My transhumanist take gets dealt with in the Mannheimer Morgen:,-kultur-der-fremdbestimmte-mensch-_arid,1050712.html
6.6.2017 In “Grazkunst”, you find a report with verbal citations from my public discussion with Sven Helbig, Andreas Dorschel and Regula Rapp in Graz.
06/2017, Airberlin Magazine presented me as a Visionary (in German and English), p. 111:
The following essay collection circles around my reflections on the relationship between Nietzsche and transhumanism as well as my own Nietzschean transhumanism: Tuncel, Y. (ed.): Nietzsche and Transhumanism. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne, 2017 Die Visionen der Transhumanisten: News 2017:
My vision of the future of an office worker turned into a design: Die Evolution des Büromenschen: Ein Gedankenexperiment 2017
JCU Alla Griglia Video Discussion with Brunella Antomarini, 21.2.2018 on the posthuman.
May/June 2018 Zeit Wissen Nr. 03
2021 Upgrade für den Menschen, Gehirn und Geist, Spektrum der Wissenschaften, Gehirn&Geist 4/2021